Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tracing Exoticisms Tourism Attractions in Batam Island

Usually Singapore became one of the favorite tourist sites for the citizens of Indonesia. But, in fact, in Indonesia there is also a tourist spot near Singapore, even with the charm and natural beauty that much more interesting.

Yes, it is the island of Batam in the Riau Islands. One of the places that can be addressed is the Vihara Duta Maitreya is said to be the largest Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia.

Batam as much as 6 % of the population adheres to Buddhist and most of Chinese descent. Not surprisingly, this small island was also the basis of spreading the Buddhist kingdom of Srivijaya. However, 80 % of the total of one million inhabitants in Batam embraced Islam.

One who is quite famous in Batam is a dragon fruit that by local people processed into the typical Batam Cake. This island has the largest dragon fruit plantations in Southeast Asia.

One of the well-known tourist attractions in Batam is a golf course, Golf is everywhere. Exercise at the ball with this stick, turned out to be one of the magnets to attract tourists, especially from overseas for a visit to Batam, Riau Islands.

Imagine, in addition to offering a challenging thrill sports, golf as well be a place to sell the potential of an exotic nature. Especially in Batam Island is a golf lovers can look directly across the landscape to the country, Singapore and Malaysia.

Therefore for you who love to golf course not complete it if does not come directly to the island of Batam while traveling to another course.

Satisfied after go around in Batam, it's time to set foot on the outskirts of the island. Yes, the beaches are no less beautiful and exotic than Bali.


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