Towards the turn of the year 2012, passenger traffic activity in the three international ferry port off and to Batam increase. Passengers destined for Singapore and Malaysia have surged since last December 26, so did the opposite destination. Because many Singaporean and Malaysian will celebrate New Year in Batam also the opposite, many people from Batam were celebrated the turn of the year in these both neighboring country.
Based on data from the Port of Batam Center Ferry average number of passengers at the Port of Batam Centre Ferry on a regular day about three thousand people per day. However, since December 26 last, the number jumped to five thousand people per day. Highest increase occur on Saturday (31/12) and Sunday (1 / 1), with the number of passengers is estimated at more than six thousand people.
Sharp increasing of number of passengers at the port has forced a number of ship operators to add trip journey as much as two to three times to anticipate the surge of passengers. The security forces also increase security in anticipation of a crime which is not desirable because crowded passengers at the port.
Increasing the number of passengers also occur in Sekupang International Ferry Port and Nongsa, with growth averaging more than 50 percent. Most of the passengers who came from Batam planned to go to Singapore. Did the opposite, many passengers from Singapore to go to Batam. The numbers of people of Batam are celebrating the turn of the New Year to Singapore due to close proximity, which is only 45 minutes with access to sea transport.
In addition, the cost was relatively cheap, about 30 Singapore dollars to 45 Singapore dollars, or 210 thousand rupiah to 350 thousand rupiah for a round-trip. The number of events held in Singapore, in order to turn of the year, also became one of the attractions people of Batam to go to the neighboring country.
Booking Resort in Batam
In contrast, Singaporeans are also many who celebrate the New Year in city of Batam. Generally, they had booked resorts and hotels since the beginning of December to stay for 3-7 days. Fluctuations Singaporeans who vacation to Batam causing hotel occupancy rate in Batam jumped by 95 percent. In fact, a number of hotels are no longer able to accommodate guests.
Many foreign visitors, especially Singaporeans celebrate the New Year on a number of resorts in Batam, like Turi Beach, Batam View Resort, KTM resort which has natural scenery and the cool air. Therefore, hotel occupancy rates jumped to 85% to 100% on December 31, 2011.
Most of the guests who come from abroad, particularly Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Europe, and the United States and Batam City Government has designed a number of events to celebrate the turn of the year, such as fireworks and entertainment events that filled by the artist from Jakarta. Meanwhile, a number of entertainment venues also hold a series of events to commemorate the turn of the year.
Anticipation Security
In order to anticipate security, local police have been alerted about 522 personnel. Most will be placed in strategic locations, such as the open area of Engku Putri, Ocarina Area Tourism and Hotel Vista, and Barelang Bridge, which is always crowded by the citizens ahead of the turn of the year.
Especially Barelang Bridge, residents are encouraged to vacate the bridge on New Year's Eve because it was feared if the citizens to accumulate in the bridge, can reduce the durability of the bridge (as awareness and precaution of recently Kutai Kartanegara Bridge fell down).
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