Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Galang Island Batam, Memory of a Past Tragedy

In 1979, the arrival of Vietnamese refugees to Indonesia becoming increasingly numerous, so it needs to set up a shelter area for them. Galang Island, one of the islands in the Riau Islands, eventually elected to serve as a shelter the refugees. Refugee camp that is now easily achieved thanks to the barelang bridge indeed been abandoned by its inhabitants since 2002. However, historical heritage they left behind this Camp makes interesting historical site to visit.

The History
After the wake of the Vietnam War was over, the conditions in the country became erratic. This makes a lot of Vietnamese people choose to flee to another country to get their lives safer and better. Their arrival to Indonesia began in 1975. The group's first refugees who numbered approximately 45 people are headed to the island of Natuna. And finally placed on the island Letung.
Since then, the group of refugees who came to Indonesia becoming more and more. And finally, after a survey, Galang Island established by the government of Indonesia as the location of the shelter the refugees. In 1980, about 50,000 Vietnamese refugees stationed at Camp Sinam, this Galang Island.
Recorded the total number of Vietnamese refugees who had been in Indonesia since 1975 until 1996 was as much as 250 thousand inhabitants. Of that amount, as many as 5600 people repatriated back to Vietnam, 500 people died and the rest received in countries that are willing to accept them as a citizen like the United States, Australia, France, Italy and others.
Live in Refuge
Over at Camp Sinam, Vietnamese refugees are handled by UNHCR. Their daily needs are provided by UN organizations. For shelter, built barracks housing. Health and education facilities are also available to all refugees.
The refugees are composed of a variety of educational and occupational backgrounds are also often being helped in various activities of UNHCR. Many of those also who trade in the area of ​​the camp. Noted that some of them set up factories such as clothes manufacturing  and so forth. There's also what makes the  money changer business.
Because the camp sites are close to Melur Beach area, the refugees would often make this place as a tourist.
Story of Tragedy
Various tragic stories were the life of these Vietnamese refugees. One is the story of Dai Nhan Tinh, a Vietnamese refugee woman. She turns brutally raped by several other refugees in one forest area refugee camps. Shortly after the incident, Tinh Nhan was to end her own life by hanging herself not far from the barracks where she and her family lived. This incident left a deep sorrow to the refugees.
To commemorate this tragic event, Humanity Statue was built at the location where the rape occurred. The statue was made by Nguyen Van Tuyen, a refugee who also sympathizes with this tragedy.
Another tragic story takes place when the Vietnamese refugees will be repatriated to Vietnam, having the opportunity to become citizens in western countries is closed. This situation is strongly opposed by the refugees, because of fears of what will happen when they return to Vietnam.
Some Vietnamese refugees who despair over the situation, eventually committed suicide together. While this happens, the repatriation of refugees to Vietnam continues.
Religious Living
The Vietnamese refugees who lived on Galang Island adhere to different religions. They also set up various religious places in accordance with their religion. There Duc Ta on Me To Catholic Church and Nha Vo Duc Me Nhiem Catholic Church used by the refugees are Catholics to hold Mass, or conduct meetings. The uniqueness of Nha Duc Me Vo To Nhiem Catholic Church is a statue of the Virgin Mary on a 'ship' out of this church, as a warning for the safety of Vietnamese refugees to Galang Island by boat. Those who founded the Protestant Church Tinh Lanh.
The majority of Vietnamese refugees at Camp Sinam embraced Buddhism. Not surprisingly, many pagodas and other religious places are standing in this place. Some religious places of Buddhism there is the Bodhi Tree and Worship Site for goddess Kuan Im. While many pagodas standing was Chuan Ky Vien Pagoda, Cao Dai Pagoda, Chua Kim Quan Pagoda and Quan Am Tu Pagoda.
Tu Quan Am Pagoda
Tu Quan Am Pagoda Statue of Goddess characterized Gung Shi Sha Pu (Goddess Kuan Im) are large, located on the outside. There is a prayer altar in front of the statue of the Goddess Kuan Im, where it is believed when praying at the altar will be given a soul mate (for those who have not paired), prosperity and tranquility in an attempt to settle down. As for children, will be successful in the study. By tradition, after the prayer is expected to throw the coins as an offering to the front of the statue of Goddess Kuan Im.
Boat People Plaza
In this place, exhibited some type of boat used by refugees to sail the seas to get their new life in another country. Can imagine the suffering they experienced during the trip, because the boat that measures just so overwhelmed by the tens and even hundreds of people. Not surprisingly, many victims who died in the course of using these ships.
Trang NGHAs Grave
In this cemetery, there are 503 graves of refugees are Christians and Buddhists. The magnitude of death was due to various illnesses they suffered after months of sailing on the high seas. In addition, mental depression makes them become physically weaker.
Pilgrimage graves by family and friends who've lived together in this camp has been done several times. The pilgrims were former refugees who have sponsorship from countries like the United States, Australia, Canada and now live happily and well established in these countries.
The Museum
Visitors can also visit the museum which is a resource center of Sinam Camp. Here, on display various relics and works of the hands of the Vietnamese refugees. Shape the work of the hands of refugees is usually a craft clay and painting.
There are also photographs of activities and events at Camp Sinam. Like the scouting activities of Vietnamese young people at Camp Sinai, activities celebrating religious holidays, rallies inmates for better welfare, the process of repatriation of refugees to use warships and other military property.
If you want to get additional information, visitors can also meet with the officials who maintain the museum. Gladly, they will share information that visitors want to know.  


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